Saturday, January 28, 2006

Floydian Slip

From morning to night I stayed out of sight
Didn't recognise what I'd become
No more than alive I'd barely survive
In a word...overrun

Won't hear a sound
From my mouth
I've spent too long
On the inside out
My skin is cold
To the human touch
This bleeding heart's
Not beating much

I murmured a vow of silence and now
I don't even hear when I think aloud
Extinguished by light I turn on the night
Wear its darkness with an empty smile

I'm creeping back to life
My nervous system all away
I'm wearing the inside out

Look at him now
He's paler somehow
But he's coming round
He's starting to choke
It's been so long since he spoke
Well he can have the words right from my mouth

And with these words I can see
Clear through the clouds that covered me
Just give it time then speak my name
Now we can hear ourselves again

I'm holding out
For the day
When all the clouds
Have blown away
I'm with you now
Can speak your name
Now we can hear
Ourselves again

He's curled into the corner
But still the screen is flickering
With an endless stream of garbage to
...curse the place
In a sea of random images
The self-destructing animal
Waiting for the waves to break

He's standing on the threshold
Caught in fiery anger
And hurled into the furnace he'll
...curse the place
He's torn in all directions
And the screen is still flickering
Waiting for the flames to break

------ Wearing the inside out - Pink Floyd

Sunday, January 15, 2006


Disclaimer : The following is not a love story by any means.Any hint of such notions is completely ill-founded, none are meant ! There's not really much in my love life ( if at all there's any).

Without wasting much time I'll come to the point.Today at the 8th Auto Expo, currently being staged at Pragati Maidan, in the Maruti Stall, I beheld BEAUTY! And was transfixed for an eternally long time.And in the haze of billowing smoke-screen and falling confetti I lost track of the present.....

I noticed this girl , who alongwith some others were part of the dance troupe being employed at this stall ( for quite obvious reasons ) , and I kept staring at her all throughout the performance , even failing to notice her ensemble which my accompanying friends later brought to my notice. For those few precious moments I totally lost track of time & all, forgetting everything around me .... just had her image in front of my eyes.And there she continued her magic & histrionics, playing with my mind & soul.I subconsciously remember humming along with her!

I'm not saying I've fallen in love ( not that easy, ain't it) or just another infatuation, but what was there, was plain-speak BEAUTY. Her uncomplicated smile and so much enjoying whatever she was doing was mesmerising to say the least.Those few moments of beauty was so soothing, so feel-good, so gratifying it sort of lifted a weight off me ( I don't know of what, but I felt so relaxed & self).And on the way back while sitting beside the window, all to myself ( I somehow managed to keep aloof from my fellow mates as I desperately wanted to be with myself then) I enjoyed one of the most wonderful bus ride of my life, a sensation hard to describe unless and until one has a hands-on experience.Just how a small event can have such lasting impressions! I just hope such epiphanies do keep happening, enough to savor in a lifetime.

Just to remind that I'm a mere mortal; even GOD bows to Beauty !

And to lay claim to the disclaimer, a few tid-bits from the so-memorable (for reasons all other than automobiles) Auto Expo :

- a good-enough fashion show ( with a garrulous,cliched host)
- a very forgettable cameo by Parikrama, which must have made , like me, every other Pink Floyd ardent fan furious for making an a** out of "Another Brick In The Wall" ( and I made sure I had a full dose of it when I got back, to do away with any after effects of that horrible rendition)
- the "Autopsyche" & "Yamaha" stalls : only standouts
- a bunch of Sardars with "imagine what you can" color turbans , all pondering over a Maruti 800
- "Look, it's the same as our's !" : a middle-aged man to his daughter, pointing to the showcased Maruti 800.

Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Interesting ....

.... that by 2020 plumbers will be earning way over engineers in UK , a differential of around 20 grand -- [ courtesy Hindustan Times ]
(I sure don't want to be there then, or do I?)

.... that our 'COURSES OF STUDY' doesn't mention the following with regards to EEL 746:


MADHU VATA RITAYATE (Let the wind blow pleasantly)

MADHUNAKTA MUTOSHASHI (Day and night be nice)

MADHUMAANNO VANASPATHI (Let trees bear sweet fruits)

MADHUMAT PARTHIVAM RAJAT (Let dust of Mother Earth be soothing)

MADHUMAAN ASTU SURYA (Sorry ! missed that)

because thats exactly what we had in our lecture today ( along with a graph of 'Happiness Vs Energy').

.... my current desktop !

Monday, January 09, 2006

A B (0.2)C .... L K(Pa) I

If the indications are anything to go by, this year has plenty to make me quiver.It already has started on that note , and frankly speaking this is the chilliest winter I've experienced till date (like most of us from the east (of India)).I personally never imagined I'd experience temperatures as low as 0.2 degree Celsius(0.2C) here in Delhi, and now that I've to endure it anyway I've started enjoying it.No point bickering about it.And in a way I'm a very blessed one if you consider those in Kolkata ( and other parts of east India, I'm sure) who cry out for being deprived of the momentous sessions inside a pull-over/sweater/cardigan.I've seen people putting-on tons of pull-overs when none is needed, just to get a feel, to truly welcome the season that's been betraying them for so long.Winter can truly be enjoyed.Ask the maddus who roam around in Tees & Shirts alone (gives me a shudder everytime!)

Talking of other things, I think the biggest pressure to handle in today's life, and mostly among the youngsters & juveniles , is peer pressure.It's huge.Of kilo, mega, giga Pascals.Maybe even more.Some tend to buckle under it ( with no fault of their own), and others , like many of us, either compromise our stand or rethink strategies to withstand it (some eventually go on to elevate the present situation).
So what is to be done , when one find so many of one's fellow friends already on the bus to CL,CF,IMS,Roots & what not ?

To say CAT is a very competitive exam would be the understatement of the millennium - goneby and present alike-( and its not going to get easier, atleast not in the near future).With the swords drawn so early what are the options left for the rest of the crowd ? Turning a blind's eye is not an option, but I've other issues to consider.I've already squandered around half a lac of my dad's hard earned money in the holy name of JEE coaching, without any extraordinary results to show. ( I'm a 'ek tappa' for the more concerned). And I'm not pretty sure whether it's going to be any different in case of the A B C L K I pursuit.But then I've not many options left apart from this dream chase ( that's excluding the possibilty, however remote, of landing a good enough job). And although I had or have no intention of joining any 'helping-hands' this early ( with due respect to all those who already did, no offense meant.I may be dumb), peer pressure sure made me think twice.

TO flow with the tide or not ? That is the question.

And I'm not very good at solving riddles.

On a completely different note and one which I HAD to write about, I saw this boy in the mess today ( I'm pretty sure he's not a student of here) wearing just a Tee, proclaiming : "I AM HERE FOR THE BLOW JOB".Now too much is too much.If wearing such loud Tees, with catchy one-liners makes one feel cool & full of attitude, think again! I think someone's in need of a psychoanalyst here.You need to draw the line somewhere between 'CATCHY' & 'OBSCENE/DEROGATORY'.I might be poking my nose a bit here but really, attitude is not the issue.It's a simple case of very poor dressing sense.And I really hate such sartorial adventures.